Shape Your Future Workshop

Really nurture your Wellbeing Mindset with this series of highly interactive live workshops.

The three online workshops via Zoom, each of three hours are live with a team of supportive professional trainers dedicated to the Shape methodology. Which means you get a chance to give and receive lots of high quality and relevant input.

You’ll be able to turbocharge the beginning to your wellbeing journey with this series of three workshops.You’ll still go at your own pace, but it means you have all the tools, techniques, theory and practice to implement it in the way that’s right for you.

What to Expect

What You'll Achieve

The essential 'YOU' time you deserve that will keep on repaying you in nearly all areas of your life


Even the best of us can sometimes lose our connection with our loved ones. It can be because they have changed or we have changed. Find out how you can get that connection to where you want it to be.

Get your power back

Whether you have a small team or a big team, it can be hard work to keep everyone motivated and yet still retain who you are as a person. It can be hard work, but it doesn’t have to be stressful.

Get some balance

It’s easily said. But no one else has your life and they don’t understand. You can learn how you can restore a healthy balance back into your life. Learn how simple changes will transform your life.

Reserve your place in 3 simple steps


Choose your dates
from below

All courses are via Zoom:

9am- 12pm: Sundays


Make your payment

All three workshops, backup material, follow up work for just £174.99

You may cancel up to 30 days before the start of the first workshop and receive a full refund.


Get ready for change

This course will quite literally change your life in a good way. You’ll be able to handle difficult people, complex situations and major events in your life with a sense of calm and control you never thought possible. Strap yourself in for the journey of a lifetime.

June 2024

Summer should be just around the corner - or winter - depending where in the world you are. It's a great time to consolidate.

All workshops are on Sun 9:00am – 12:00pm

September 2024

Autumn is a time for change. Where one phase of life can come to a close to make room for a new and fresh beginning. Booking opens after June. Call to reserve a place

All workshops are Sundays  9am- 12pm

November 2024

Autumn is a time for change. Where one phase of life can come to a close to make room for a new and fresh beginning. Bookings open after September. Call to reserve a place.

All workshops are Sundays  9am- 12pm

What do people say?

It helped me to start looking at situations in a different way and also gave me more confidence when handling difficult conversations.



Personal Trainer

Really, really beneficial on a personal and professional level. The sessions are quick and keep your attention with the interactive sections. I definitely gained skills that I can continue to improve upon.




Our team have really put the knowledge they received into practice and they feel it’s benefiting the way they communicate with their clients.


