Frequently Asked Questions

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Here are our best answers...

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We get these questions a lot. Here are our best answers...

There are plenty of courses you can choose from. Our course uses a combination of theory and practical work that really gets to the core of what’s important to you, so that you  can actually put it into practice – and keep doing so.

Shape has been going since 2019. Our focus has been to grow slowly and verify each of our theories with smaller workshops until we were sure that we could actually do what we say we can do. 

All our courses are online, so you will have to be able to go on the internet to get access. But you can use a computer, a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone.

We actually started off in the classroom, but Covid came along and along with most of the world, we moved to an online solution. Then we found it actually worked really well and was so much more convenient for people on the workshop.

The 4 Step Process and 7 Key Principles are universal so they will apply to everyone. We have never come across anyone yet who has not been able to see exactly how they could apply this to improve their own wellbeing.

If by the end of the course you can say honestly that it has been of no benefit to you, then your money will be refunded.

There’s no problem to pick the course up from where you left off at the next opportunity.