Knowing what I have control over

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Today I completed my last day at a company I have worked at for seven years, and I have been left feeling under appreciated and unimportant.

Since starting my job there I have taken on more responsibilities and put everything I have into my job.

It’s a type of job where you get paid a set wage for certain tasks, but all preparation and extras I have to do on my own time with my own money.

I can honestly say the first six years I loved every day at work. I felt proud and I gave my 100%. I really felt a sense of achievement and it gave me the drive to keep improving my skills to better my work.

However something changed with the management over the last year and I completely lost my joy at work. I knew my time had come to move on. Whereas before, I was happy to give up my free time and it was appreciated, this last year I was expected to and for no thanks. So I handed in my notice, on good terms without blame and saying that I would still continue to support the small business and I would work as long as was needed until they found someone new.

So I handed in my keys today without a single word being said by the bosses.

No thanks, no good luck for the future, they haven’t even told my clients that I’m leaving.

I’ve  come home feeling that everything I have done for them has been wasted. Why have I given so much to a company that think so little of me.

So normally I would now sit and shed a few tears and then maybe treat myself to a tub of ice cream and a bottle of wine and convince myself that I’m not important and nobody cares about me.

However, I know that I cannot control other people. I cannot change how people treat me, and after this last year I feel like I could have honestly made them a million pounds (they wish) and I would still have been brushed off as nothing. So why let it upset me like this? I know in my heart of hearts that I gave them my all, and I will hold my head up and be proud of the work I did for them. I do not need a thank you card or some words in a thank you post on social media to make me realise I am important. I know that, and I need to make sure I tell myself that.

So instead of feeling sad and let it get me down, I’m going to celebrate all the things I achieved in my time there. I’ve made a wonderful friend who worked alongside me, I’ve been able to put my name to some fantastic projects, and most of all I have grown as a person.

So I may eat that ice cream, and I might even enjoy that glass of wine. But I will not let someone else’s actions affect my self worth. I cannot control how people treat me, but I can control how it affects me. Therefore it doesn’t matter, what does matter is that I’m proud of myself for all the things I’ve achieved the last seven years.

Knowing this information, I also feel excited and optimistic for the next journey I take.

“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where the power is.” – Anonymous

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